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Heal yourself!

Reiki Empowerment

You are receiving Reiki love & light NOW! As you connect with the gentle yet powerful karmic healing energies of Reiki you will experience being healed - whole and complete. These loving universal life force energies heal & harmonise all areas your life and living! Read on to know more...

"Reiki is a universal life force energy that re-establishes the free flow of joy"

Spiritual Master Nalin Nirula


Reiki & KQ Force

Through Reiki empowerment you can heal yourself and others at a karmic level. All life situations can be harmonised with loving Reiki energies - creating an abundance of health, wealth, happiness, joy and more!


Distance Healing

Karmic healing can be done in-person or at a distance for any situation. Healing is a two-way process requiring participation by the Healer (one who channels healing) & the Healee (one who receives healing).


Guidance & Self-help

Explore this resource centre for links to articles as well as empowered karma-healing meditations that can facilitate your self-healing process. Understand the deeper workings of Karma and how to "Crack the Karma Code"


My Journey

My journey with Reiki started over 20 years ago when I took my Reiki empowerment with my dear guru and spiritual master - Nalin Kumar Nirula. With his blessings and Reiki's grace I was able to overcome some very difficult life situations at the time which strengthened my faith and commitment to this practice. Over the years not only have I witnessed the miraculous and transformational effects of Reiki in my life time and again - but that of many others.


While Reiki is the same everywhere the methodology and level of connection varies depending on the Reiki Master. My Spiritual Master taught & empowered me with the authentic, unique & result-oriented knowledge of Reiki which I further convey to my students as-is.


Additionally, we empower and guide others through Reiki driven intuitive guidance, tarot, numerology and vedic astrology. 

We encourage everyone to receive this most powerful heart energy of the Divine - Reiki and experience for themselves the mystic magical change that takes place in all activities of life and living. 


Love, Healing Hugs & Reiki Blessings


Abhay Ahluwalia (Aryaesh)

Reiki Master, KQ Force Healer and 

Intuitive guide




Send us your healing request or contact us to know more about our Reiki programs & seminars. Please make sure to fill your email id accurately for us to get back to you!

2240 Lake Shore Blvd West, Toronto


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©2019 by Reiki with Aryaesh.

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